What a great concert yesterday! But, then, they always do. John Stamos was with them (again!). Played guitar and drums. He also took pictures of the audience for his blog they said.
It was an early afternoon concern. A little more than half way through a big storm roared through. I was in the pavilion (thank goodness!), but we all knew when the deluge let loose when the folks on the lawn screamed! I guess it was cold water. The wind was very strong and blew water into the pavilion.
We were all standing to a particularly snappy tune series. I turned to look at the storm and was greeted by the wind blowing a fine mist of water onto us. Ah! Bliss! When I turned back to the stage EVERYONE in the audience had their backs to the stage (and the Beach Boys!), faces uplifted to the cooling wet wind.
Other than great singing and a solid 2 hour show the most interesting thing were the beach balls that people brought to the show. At one time there must have been 35 beach balls bouncing their way through the audience. Once it seemed like they were all airborn at the same time.