
Monday, January 18, 2010

Yo-Yo Easter Eggs

The stitching group I belong to is going to make yo-yo eggs. I want to put mine in an Easter basket with green fabric "grass". When ordering the styrofoam eggs I found a pattern for a yo-yo bunny and another pattern for a yo-yo cat (I love cats!). I think the Easter basket with the yo-yo eggs (aqua, pink, purple and green or yellow) will look pretty with the yo-yo bunny.

I found the greatest gadget thanks to Google! It's the Olfa Circle Cutter with ratchet handle. I bought it at Joann Fabrics (hooray for Joann's!). It took a little bit to get in the groove, but it took only a couple of hours to cut out 62 circles in 3 sizes for each of the 3 colors. Since the group is talking about starting this next Sunday, I had to do something to get a head start!

Here are some of the fabric circles I've cut out:
yo-yo circles Jan 18 2010

This morning while watching Models of the Runway I finished 4 of the yo-yos.
yo-yo finished Jan 18 2010

Not bad, if I do say so myself! I remember making a small yo-yo quilt at summer camp when I was 12 or 13 years old (more than a few years ago!!). LOL I guess it's like riding a bike and the skill is not really forgotten.

1 comment:

Meadows08 said...

Fabric yoyo's are so cute. I have a yoyo maker. I'll have to check out Joann's for the circle cutter.