
Monday, December 31, 2012

The eve of a new year

There's something about the end of one year and the start of a new one that causes one pause.  A time for thinking back over accomplishments and fails over the last year and what to do more of the same and what changes should be made. 

I'm glad I'm stitching again and finishing what I've started.  I'd like to not buy too many new charts and work up the ones I have and the kits I have.  My way of dealing with our falling over the fiscal cliff (or were we pushed??).  Of course as I say this I remember that Lizzie Kate is doing a series of Christmas ornaments.  Sight unseen they are a must have.  Then there's the candy cane perforated paper series my local xs shop is hosting.  Although I love candy canes (Melissa's needlepoint designs are too die for!) these are big and clumsy looking.  But I'll probably get them anyway. 

I have a ton of Shepherd's Bush kits that I want to stitch; some that I've started.  You'd think I'd at least do the Halloween ones since I like those so much. 

We'll see!!

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