
Sunday, December 9, 2007

Back home

On November 28 I went to the doctor's office to see about getting medication to get rid of my congestion left over from my cold. However, he said my lungs were clear and to go to the Emergency Room. A few tests later and I was admitted with blood clots in the lungs! I learned that blood clots are like bruises and will be absorbed by the body in approximately 2 weeks. I've been home since late Tuesday afternoon. I'm feeling stronger and breathing better every day. Thank goodness!!!

I finished this needleroll by Shepherd's Bush in a modified fashion while recuperating in the hospital. It said what I was feeling about catching this in time and being alive:

Shepherd's Bush Happy Day Needleroll as a square Dec 6, 2007

The weekend after Thanksgiving I finished these lions from Simply Old Fashioned:

Simply Old Fashioned Lion in the Ever So Little series Nov 25, 2007

And last night I finished Blooming Alphabet by La D Da:

La D Da Blooming Alphabet Dec 8, 2007

Now I'm stitching on a small Lizzie Kate, but it's going slow and I'm getting bored with it. I have some small Shepherd's Bush seasons so I may just finish these.

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