First stop was Johnstown, PA, for the Flood Museum and to ride the incline. Got a regional cookbook (I'm such a sucker for those things!) at the museum. We rode the incline and had lunch at the Grill at the top. Delicious! I'd have my birthday dinners here if it wasn't 3-1/2 hours away!! LOL
Saturday was set aside for the
Sheep & Fiber Festival in Waynesburg, PA (just south of Pittsburgh). It was quaint. I liked that the trotters were being put through their paces (get it?? trotters and pacers?? LOL!) at the track at the fair grounds. I'm used to the
Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival so I expected more. That's not to say I didn't find any yarn! I bought some alpaca from the booth I first saw at
Christmas in the Woods in Ohio last October. It's a Shaker Festival in Columbiana, Ohio. I've been twice and loved it both times. I should figure out how to fly in and drive back laden with goodies!
Back to the fiber festival. In one enclosed barn were three teams working on their sheep-to-shawl entries. In the other barn (yes, only two barns) were the yarn vendors. I was there less than an hour. At the Maryland show we were there four hours and saw about half of it (too hot).
Anyway, the owner of the booth next to the alpaca lady was very helpful with her ideas and comments that I felt compelled to visit her booth. Boy, was I ever glad I did!! Lots of great yarn in great colors and this spectacular find:
melted crayon box handspun yarn! This was a MUST HAVE. No, I haven't figured out what to do with it, but who needs to know that before purchasing such luscious yarn? I bought the tee shirt and we left to go to lunch.
The melted crayon lady told me that over 100,000 people attended the Maryland sheep festival and were turned away when the parking lot got filled on Saturday! Yowza! I knew it was crowded, but didn't realize it was that crowded.