
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Goodness!! Has it really been this long??

I'm surprised I haven't posted since August! But I've been fighting back pain since mid-August, and for quite a while sitting at the computer was not a high priority.

Thanksgiving was at Alexandra's Restaurant (now remodeled). Delish! I went to the emergency room for the pain in early December. We saw ICE! at Gaylord National at the end of December when I could move easier.

I've discovered the author Tim Dorsey and his wacky serial killer character, Serge A. Storms, who is in love with all things Florida. I read his books as I found them; that is to say, all out of order. This has made it interesting: people alive who are dead, and relationships not recognized that are known. Out of all his books I've only found one I didn't want to read.

I love the book The Hunger Games and wish I had tickets for the movie opening this weekend. I'll go in 3 weeks when it's less crowded. I'll enjoy that more.

I'm stitching on By the Bay's Spring Cove which I call the heron piece. This year for some bizarre and unexplained reason I am stitching on one thing, finishing it and THEN moving on to the next piece. Never did that before. :)

I picked up a small latch hook piece of a cat that looks like my brown tabby, Mindy. (I hate latch hook.) I've got four rows done and it seems like 70,000 more rows to go. Since its 12x12 when done I know that it's not quite that many rows. (I hate latch hook.) I'll like the finished piece, but getting it finished may take longer than I'd like. (Did I mention how much I detest doing latch hook??)

Woodlawn was postponed until May so submissions aren't until April. I hope they send out the brochure this year like they have in previous years. I have a couple of pieces I may enter for the grins of it. They won't do well in competition as I don't have any dog hair stitched into the designs.

I joined a gym. I was a member of a gym in the 90's, but too many gym-rats were there. This gym is more neighborhood oriented so there are all ages, shapes, sizes, and skill levels. I feel quite at home as I do my 15 minutes of walking. I go later this week for my appointment with the trainer for a fitness test. Nothing to do but improve, I'd say! :) I'm proud that since I joined on Saturday, I've gone Sunday and today.

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