Here's a finish from 2010 that I recently stumbled across. I still need to finish it into a scissor keep.
This is Make Do V: French Scissor Keep designed by Shakespeare's Peddler. Like others have said, I don't know why this photo orients sideways!
We took a day trip to Gettysburg, PA the weekend before last.....deliberately ahead of the 150 year activities. It was getting quite crowded, but there was no one at the penny squish machine! This one is outside Ghost Tours and I picked up all four designs.
Outside the Diorama, I took my turn at being Lincoln. :) I didn't realize that I had bangs, much less that Lincoln did!
So my day trip is why I didn't get much stitching done on IHSW weekend.
However, I used the next weekend as my IHSW. This is what JBW's Alphabet Heart looked like at the beginning of the weekend on my Q-Snaps. Silly me, I didn't take a photo at the end of the weekend.
Here's another before picture I worked on. This one is Time Flies by Bent Creek (one of my favorite designers).
Here's a bad kitty photo. He's on a piece attached to Q-Snaps that I've misplaced the chart and threads for. Ah, well. It'll show up some time.
For the first week in July I did my nails in red, white and blue stripes. I put the white on first over the entire nail then swiped the blue and red stripes over it. Not bad for a first effort IMHO.