
Monday, September 27, 2010


I finished The Mermaid and the Sea on Saturday. HOORAY!!!!!!! On Sunday I remembered to run the threads under to neaten the back up. Here's a picture of it on the designer's blog.

I used a wonderful hand-dyed fabric from Crossed Wing. Sunflower Samplings (I think) was at one of the cross stitch festivals in Valley Forge, PA, and they had it framed and had used a beautiful, water-inspired fabric.

It's too big to scan in one piece so I'll have to do it in parts.


Monday, September 20, 2010

Mermaid and the Sea

ARRRRRGHHHH!!!! I'm still stitching on this never-ending piece! It takes so long to get one motif done. I still have Neptune's rock, the mermaid's rock, seaweed, the clam and my initials and the year to do. I want it done in time for Woodlawn, but I have to consider all the Christmas framing that will be submitted this time of year.

Monday, September 6, 2010

More hyperbolic planes, a bleached coral, and my winning reef

greenery coral leaves

hyperbolic planes round hyperbolic with edging

hyperbolic plane with edging

round hyperbolic plane round hyperbolic plane

close up of round hyperbolic plane

fuzzy hyperbolic plane

bleached coral bleached coral

bulky yarn hyperbolic plane bulky yarn sea slug

my small assembled coral reef My blue ribbon winning coral reef!

More crochet coral pictures

Here are some more pictures. All are hyperbolic planes.

sparkling yarn hyperbolic plane

patriotic hyperbolic plane

Red Heart girl camoflauge hyperbolic plane

Noro hyperbolic plane

another look Noro hyperbolic plane

boy camoflauge hyperbolic plane

hyperbolic plane with fancy edging


Some crochet coral reef pictures

I finally got around to taking pictures of my finishes for the Smithsonian Community Reef. Here are some of them, but first is a picture of me at the 2010 Folklife Festival helping demonstrate and teach crochet.

Smithsonian Folklife Festival 2010

hyperbolic plane Red Heart yarn Hyperbolic plane

two Lion Boucle yarns hyperbolic plane boucle hyperbolic plane

brain coral brain coral

corkscrews corkscrews

sea anemone top down view of sea anenome